This is a practice project to familiarize myself with Python’s C API. The goal
is to implement a B-Plus Tree in C that is usable in Python.
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County Voting 2020
This is a follow-up to this post which discusses correlations between population density, race/ethnicity, and voting trends in the 2016 election. In that analysis, we ran a RandomForestRegressor on population density vs 2016 voting trends and found that it had a R2 score of 0.315. In the following analysis we...
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County Voting
This project is inspired by this post about how well population density predicts voting. Jake Low runs a logarithmic regression on population density vs voting patterns and finds that it has an R2 score of 0.219, commenting that this is “not great”. Then he creates a difference-from-trend chloropleth map of...
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Check out the live web app at
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Airbnb Price Optimizer
AirPrice - AirBnB Price Optimization The app is live at The app was a team effort, see this page for the team members and roles. The source of the data science portion of the app can be seen here. The app is only usable for Berlin, DE. This is...
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